Al Fozan Uniglass


Ambient heat transfer can occur via three methods; convection, conduction and radiation. The weakest resistance to these mechanisms, in a building envelope, is the glazing material.

By nature, a single piece of glass has little resistance to either heat gain or loss; however, an insulated glass unit (IGU), comprising of two or more panes of glass with hermetically sealed air spaces in between, slows down the rate of heat exchange between the ambient hot and cold air masses on either side of the unit. The resultant reduction in heat transfer minimizes the capital and subsequent operating costs of heating or cooling equipment.


In a Uniglass I.G. unit, the glass panes can be annealed, heat-strengthened, tempered and/or laminated to meet building code requirements, safety glazing standards and design requirements.The panes can be of equal or unequal thicknesses. The most common triple-glazed units are constructed with three plies of glass separated by two hermetically sealed and dehydrated spaces.

Uniglass’s triple-glazed units can utilize the same coatings offered with double-glazed units, however, a triple-glazed unit is especially useful in applications where a low u-value is necessary. The triple glazing construction offers the possibility of increasing the insulation value of the glass unit, thus reducing the u-value through the addition of a second silver-based Low-E coating on surface #4 in addition to the coating applied on #2